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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Environmental Science

Today was my first EVS exam. Listen to me, im like a third grade kid. But funnily enough if you look at me you might actually believe that last statement to be true. My verdict- Its long boring and it sucks. I swear if i have to write the word "biodiversity" one more time im gonna kill myself. 3 hrs of writing relatively the same stuff over and over again. And for no apparent reason the song "somewhere over the rainbow" kept springing up into my mind.Like an earworm. Then after finishing my paper...i made a noose out of the rope that was given to me to tie my paper and aritra made a paper dude. I took paper dude and hung him. Too bad paper dude. Sorry. Anyway the rest of the day was spent in talking and I also tried to make a guillotine to kill paper dude.

Before this Was Mr. Guzders farewell by the way my first singing after...well... you know. Quite a success and i was quite happy about the twins anish and the others first singing debut. I feel like a veteran...i was so proud of all them... I am..Guys if you didnt know.
Anyway thats all for now except for my next post so ill say goodbye then.


anish said...

our teacher doesnt know her subject...and hell hope my bluffing pays was quite crappy..come to think about it...and yeah BIODIVERSITY - bloody hell - enough!

but it was a little in teh subject matter atleast

Anonymous said...

ummm tejas u know u can actually start making a couple of more guillotines and nooses - all to be used on march 11th (when we get our marks)..sighhhh i am soo screwddd these examss!!!
on the bright least paper dude will hav company

also to pour some more cheer into your sorry lives:P we have to do four more exams in gr 12 (thats assumin we pass) all of which include BIODIVERSITY - soooo arghhhhhhhh:P:P:P

and ooo yess congrats to anish ,neil ,sk:P, and the twins of their singing debut - did u see neil moving or vibrating rather on the stage:P?????????? wass soo coolll

anwyays circular motion calls.....seeya!

Tejas said...

aaron thanks for ure comment but it honestly scares me that you thought neil vibrating on stage was cool!