Please Observe.

Friday, February 10, 2006


I don't really know whether its his intention to piss me off, or otherwise because "mr. anonymous" is not doing a good job. The purpose of leaving comments is to spark healthy debates and to leave strong "worth-reading" opinions, unlike anonymous.If you read Anish's blog you can see the healthy debates that currently are based on the debatable topic of whether India is original enough in its ideas and thinking. Now theres something I read and enjoy, but for Mr.A...(who has by the way extended his intellect several times into anish's topics)
Now listen dude, no offence but if your too chicken to admit who you really are its kool man...I know, well, we all know your scared and insecure, and its totally understandable because some people have childhood trauma(i'm not saying it is, but it could be one of your many problems) which develop into inferiority complexes and social incompatibility.Or its possible that you are scared that you may get into the bad books of Tejas Menon and Anish Malpani, which may lead to you committing...okay not really, but then again I wouldn't put it past you. But whatever it is its alright man, we're here for you, we are your shoulder to cry on...okay,pumpkin?


Anonymous said...

It's Khanna dude...Don't even bother..

Anonymous said...

i realise it doesn't say much on my part to read tejas' blog only after he asked me to, but when i finally did read his stuff i was quite glad i did. im honestly glad to see my friends applying themselves the way they are and i dont mean to sound patronizing. the other thing im glad about, is the fact that my friends actually have people who go out of their way to read their opinions and then even comment upon them! i must say that is devotion! and i dont mean just me, i refer to mr. anonymous(may i just say if u give ur children that name they WILL be tormented!)you see mr. A if you don't mind me calling you so, it's really flattering to have someone who probably doesn't even know them, take time out of their day and discuss what they say. so thank you and to all the rest of our secretly adoring fans out there!
p.s. im sure ugly guy in the middle will try and buff it up, after all if they're as self centered as you say they are, they'll make sure they look good!

Anonymous said...

Speaking on behalf of, well, MOST anonymous commentors (except umm the crazy ones), have you ever considered our reason for remaining anonymous is beyond fear, "inferiority complexes" or "childhood trauma"? Personally, it's about presenting my opinion - I don't know you so I honestly cannot see what great elucidation my name would bring you. And why should it matter whose opinion it is… it’s an opinion nonetheless! Why should what I say depend on who I am?! For me, it’s not the fear of REVEALING myself, it’s simply a disinclination to do so. And no, that shouldn’t detract from my point of view. AND no, I have never commented on your space before, anonymously or otherwise.

anish said...

unfortunately tejas, i kind off agree with the anonymous person.
its almost irrelavant who it is thats commenting if obv u dont know him. If its someone u know who is anonymously comenting - then thats stupid...
anyway ppl who jsut want to give an opinion and have no intentions of wanting u to visit his/her blog...if he/she has one - its totally up to them, and i respect that.

The crazy anonymous messages constitute a totally different category.

Tejas said...

Listen dude, i honestly don't give a damn about anonymous people anymore, you speak for yourself, as you said that you are not the other anonymous people, so therefore you have no right to defend them.
Insulting someone on my blog is something I will not stand for, whether i know you or not, so if i go out to insult this person in at least a dignified manner, dont stop me.
As you said anish, and ill quote you,
"If its someone u know who is anonymously comenting - then thats stupid..."
I'm sure that person is not an anonymous. And its not stupid, its just plain pissing off.
Anonymous, I don't think you have seen the comment that an anonymous person has posted for the last topic.
“u guys keep it up xept for the guy in the middle of the pic.u guys getting famous? cool..keep it up xept for the gay guy in the middle ...Christ hes ugly

im not the 1st anon but u dont noe me so no point”
12:55 PM, February 10, 2006

No im sorry, but from where i come from, that is really not cool.Anonymous i respect your opinion, about commenting otherwise,but only when the comment is worth reading and related to the topic at hand. Otherwise, no thanks.

Anonymous said...

You're right - that's way out of line and i didn't know where you were coming from - I'm sorry

Tejas said...

its kool...